Talks on the Grace and Love of God


Most of the talks on this page are by Ken Blue, who has visited Australia several times. Thanks to Ken for permission to put these talks here. I have never heard anything more life-giving than his messages on grace (see also the book The Gospel Uncensored). Ken’s other books are available on Amazon under the name Ken M. Blue.

At the end there are some talks by Brent Rue on receiving God’s love and Ed Piorek on the fatherhood of God, followed by some encouraging messages by Francis Frangipane and Jack Deere.

If you prefer reading to listening, there are some on reflections based on these talks, and an overview of grace too.

Many of these talks are also on YouTube. Some additional talks by Ken are available at the Door Sermon Archive (three on spiritual abuse and healthy church discipline, and one on the ordinary means of defeating evil).


Ken Blue
Foundations in Grace
Building on Grace
Healing Spiritual Abuse
Foundations in Love
The Father Loves You
Freedom Now
Freedom in Christ
Grace and Healing Conference
Transforming Power of Grace Conference
Transforming Grace
You’re Destined for Success
Essentials of Grace
Defeating Strongholds
Authority to Heal
The Healing Ministry of the Church
Healing Seminar
The Spirit of Adoption
The Fight
Walking with the Spirit
Individual Messages
Other Speakers
Letting God Love You – Brent Rue
The Father Loves You – Ed Piorek
Routing the Accuser – Francis Frangipane
Acquiring a Passion for Jesus – Jack Deere

Foundations in Grace – Ken Blue

Grace is at the heart of Christianity, not just as the way in – acceptance – but also the the way on – empowerment and change.

The themes are (1) your old husband, the law; grace is a genuine gift, (2) Jesus is the flip side of the law, (3) the New Covenant, (4) if we are accepted, why work?, (5) influencing God’s grace, (6) grace produces life, (7) Christianity is founded on power, (8) God’s powerful presence.

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Building on Grace – Ken Blue

The “empowerment” aspect of God’s grace.

The numbering starts with 0 because the first talk was inserted afterwards; the theme is that God has taken final responsibility for your life and transformation.

The other themes are (1) grace as the empowering presence of God, (2) freedom from the cycle of guilt and shame, (3) grace for the humble, (4) your portion of grace (5) grace and joy, (6) the work and rewards of grace (parable of the talents), (7) grace for the mission of the church.

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Healing Spiritual Abuse – Ken Blue

The basis of the book Healing Spiritual Abuse. Surprisingly for the subject, these talks contain a lot of humour (which is quite therapeutic).

Not just about bad church experiences and recovering from them, but a lot about healthy Christian leadership as well.

Matthew 23 is used as an outline.

(Originally released as 8 talks, but the cuts were incorrect, so redone as 7 talks. The same content is present, excluding the copyrighted song I Want To Be A Clone by Steve Taylor).

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Foundations in Love – Ken Blue

A series about being rooted and grounded in love (Ephesians 3:17-19).

The themes are (1) needing a foundation in love, (2) there is no fear in love, (3) love as our anchor, (4) God’s passion for us (Hosea), (5) people are more important than religion, (6) 1 Corinthians 13, (7) love versus rules, (8) lavish, risky love.

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The Father Loves You – Ken Blue

A series on the parable of the prodigal son. Many helpful insights about the way God relates to us, his lavish affection towards his children and the true (non-religious) version of repentance.

The themes are (1) the Father’s affectionate love, (2) performance; connecting with God, (3) knowing and experiencing God’s love, (4) freedom; the elder brother, (5) consequences of sin (as good news!), (6) transactional relationships vs mature love, (7) religion is suspicious of God – and joy, (8) true repentance (more good news!).

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Freedom Now – Ken Blue

A series on the book of Galatians, from a conference in England.

Paul insisted that the gospel was “Jesus plus nothing.” Other themes include experiencing the Holy Spirit, justification, freedom from the Law and nurturing versus confrontive personalities.

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Freedom In Christ – Ken Blue

Verse by verse through Galatians, with many wonderful insights. The themes are:

(1) The effect of grace; Jesus plus nothing.
(2) Galatians 1:6 ... why people fall away from grace.
(3) Galatians 1:8-9 ... authority comes from truth, not a position.
(4) Galatians 1:11-24 ... no hierarchy or covering; why Paul was sure of the gospel.
(5) Galatians 2:11-14 ... healthy confrontation.
(6) Galatians 2:11-21 ... justification by faith; unhelpfulness of the Law.
(7) Galatians 3:1-5 ... appropriate anger; experiencing the Spirit.
(8) Galatians 3:10-25 ... justification; experiencing the Spirit; purpose of the Law.
(9) Galatians 3:26-4:11 ... fulfilling the Law; life in Christ; slavery of the Law.
(10) Galatians 5:1-15 ... God’s family; freedom.
(11) Galatians 5:16-26 ... Spirit and flesh.
(12) Galatians 6:1-10 ... relationships in the church; sowing and reaping.

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Grace and Healing Conference – Ken Blue

A conference on various grace related subjects in Sydney, 1999. The last talk on encouragement has some very humorous stories.

There was also a talk on healthy Christian leadership before the main conference, followed by a question and answer session (audio unavailable). The main theme was gaining a foundation in God’s love; highly recommended.

The themes are (1) only Jesus knows the Father; the prodigal son, (2) fixing problems and restoring relationships, (3) woman at the well; woman caught in adultery; freedom from condemnation, (4) healing spiritual abuse, (5) being rooted and grounded in love, (6) grace as power; the power of encouragement.

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Transforming Power of Grace Conference – Ken Blue

From a conference in Sydney, 2000. A theme throughout the conference is the prayer of Jabez (1 Chronicles 4:10), which is used as a scaffold for our own prayers.

Other themes are (1) take my yoke upon you; grace and discipleship, (2) three parables of lostness, (3) [audio unavailable], (4) washing feet.

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Transforming Grace – Ken Blue

Another conference in Sydney on transformation, loosely based on Galatians. Covers a lot of different grace related topics.

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You’re Destined for Success – Ken Blue

A series on becoming the success God created you to be.

The themes are (1) permission to try things out; fear of failure, (2) it’s OK to be successful, (3) the Bible and success, (4) your dreams; breaking curses.

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Essentials of Grace – Ken Blue

Some additional messages about God’s grace.

The themes are (1) freedom from shame; thinking is not unspiritual, (2) Jesus never accuses, (3) grace is a safeguard; Spirit versus flesh (4) a sinner’s love.

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Defeating Strongholds – Ken Blue

A series on why we act the way we do and how we can change.

Strongholds are attitudes and behaviours we acquired as children which were intended to protect us, but now cause more problems than they solve.

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Authority to Heal – Ken Blue

Various issues in the area of healing the sick, partly based on Ken’s book Authority to Heal. Seems to be at Valley Vineyard Church in 2005.

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The Healing Ministry of the Church – Ken Blue

A practical overview of praying for healing. Includes testimonies, dealing with objections and “ministry time” in which people are healed.

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Healing Seminar – Ken Blue

From a conference at Fishgate Church in Adelaide, 2009. Addresses various issues to do with healing. The last talk includes Bruce Wauchope along with Ken.

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The Spirit of Adoption – Ken Blue

From a conference in Sydney, 2005.

The themes are (1) Bonsai Christians; authority (2) being empowered (3) learning God from God; change; deliverance from moralism.

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Beatitudes – Ken Blue

A series on the beatitudes in Matthew 5.

The themes are (1) context of the Sermon on the Mount; blessed are the poor in spirit (2) .. those who mourn (3) .. the meek (4) .. those who hunger and thirst for righteousness (5) .. the merciful (6) .. the pure in heart (7) .. the peacemakers (8) .. those who are persecuted for righteousness’ sake.

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The Fight – Ken Blue

“The work we do in order to enhance our lives and participate more in the kingdom of God and bring its benefits to others.”

The themes are (1) possessing what God has already given us (2) the power of grace (3) being in a war; prayer and authority (4) teach us to pray (5) the Lord’s prayer as an outline (6) trusting God.

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Walking with the Spirit – Ken Blue

A couple of talks about the Holy Spirit from 2009.

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Individual Messages by Ken Blue

Dealing with disappointment in the light of grace.


God’s power through our weakness.


God chooses losers.


The rescue.


The cosmic significance of Christ.


God in the flesh.


Leaders’ question and answer session on grace.


Other Speakers

Letting God Love You – Brent Rue

This had a huge impact on me when I first heard it somewhere around 1996 ... “You mean it can be like that?!”. Highly recommended.

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The Father Loves You – Ed Piorek

About the fatherhood of God and experiencing his love. They were originally given at a Spiritual Warfare conference in Sydney (permission received to host them here). He has some related books called The Father Loves You and The Central Event.

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Routing the Accuser – Francis Frangipane

An encouraging talk called Routing the Accuser of the Brethren (permission received to host it here). It becomes very humorous. His website is here.


Acquiring a Passion for Jesus – Jack Deere

A wonderful talk by Jack Deere (permission received to host here). Here’s an article with the same message. Jack also talks about this near the end of his book Surprised by the Power of the Spirit. There are some other sermons by Jack at Wellspring Church.


Questions or comments to: [email protected]